To the Honorable, While things may pass as they are, and others may find their way forward, time marches onwards always. Except for the times when it does not, as our founder likes to boast about when she will be a student here. The sun rises and falls until the Age is done, save for the times when it falls and then rises, or rises twice without falling. The Chaos does many things to us all, not least those of us who try to stay sane. But even then, what truly is sanity? Is it merely an organized mind, or one which desires more? Are the black-feathered ones truly gatherers of knowledge alone, or wisdom and magic? Your correspondence with the Infinite Librarian speaks well of your capabilities, and so this is presented to you as a puzzle. It should serve you well. The Tea Ghost RJ hopes we can collaborate with some interesting projects ahead. We didn’t start the fire. Dragons are an unusual beast. Mana made alive and sapient wholly autonomously. Even our best rituals require some form of magic source to continue onwards, as our little Zia can attest to. She keeps wanting to write but gets distracted by every little thing. Not like the RJ, she only gets distracted by tea. Ownership of an idea is a funny concept. They are the accumulation of everything someone has experienced, why should that belong to a single individual? Yet they are not forced to share if they do not wish to, and nobody can learn it from them without their knowing of it. Are we not all slaves to our past selves, carrying out the whims of what a different person decided we ought to do ourselves? Such is life, however. We are the product of all our actions, and so we are responsible for creating and destroying countless unique individuals. Perhaps it is affine. Such a code is truly magical, and both numbers among the most magical things one can find. If you read it, perhaps you will find our nation out there, which can inform you of more things to be found. But be careful to look closely, lest you miss the bigger picture chasing doves. Doves truly are beautiful creatures, are they not? Such white feathers and beautiful necks, seeing flocks of them in the wild can truly be inspiring. Faerie dragons are of course better, but there is beautiful simplicity to be found in those natural creatures which managed to stay beautiful even through the ages. Do you not agree? I have been given to understand you appreciate a good hunt, a good puzzle, and so endeavor to give you one. Sadly, the demands of my office have yet to allow me to solve your puzzle, your crystal, but eye endeavor to attempt to discern it sometime soon. As I give my seal of approval, know this was done to preserve knowledge from the unwary. All the best, The Headmaster