im not going to be able to store or save all. maybe even most. i only have so much space. but fuck if im not going to try to preserve my favorites. this EXACT same thing happened with the zampanio fandom and you're all "jr are you SURE you didn't make zampanio up,theres no evidence it ever existed" and im just sitting here POINTING *why are people like this* i understand feeling like your past self is a shambling horror with your face who you no longer want to be associated with i even understand feeling a little embarrassed when your selves collide and the strangeness of your interests past and future are in stark contrast! but holy shit. the idea of removing my past work... for ANY reason... stresses me out so much? im not saying we're all entitled to their work forever (and im glad they're encouraging/allowing people to download their vids) i just. i feel so... alien? or like they're the alien? seeing them make a choice i find so baffling anyways, as the resident "i absolutely refuse to let zampanio fade away" champion heres my archive (and turns out someone did a much better job on the internet archive, fingers twisted it remains: